AJ McLean is fighting a cold.

“At least it was kind enough to wait until we did the national anthem at the first game of the World Series,” says McLean, one-quarter of the Backstreet Boys. “With any luck, it should be gone by the time we start the tour again.”

That tour sees the (almost) re-united Backstreet Boys visiting the CN Centre in Prince George on Nov. 16.

“It’s our first time up that way,” McLean says. “On this tour we wanted to go back and cover as much ground as possible, then we found out there were a lot of places we had never been who wanted to see us.

“So we extended the tour.”

It’s the (almost) re-united Backstreet Boys because Kevin Richardson left the band on good terms a few years ago. Visiting the band’s website at www.backstreetboys.com, however, you see the four current members – and one pair of empty shoes.

“That started as a joke,” McLean says, “and the fans loved it. It means Kevin is definitely missed by all of us.”

And yes, he agrees, it also means no one else can fill those shoes. Finding out McLean’s favourite movies are horror films means it isn’t a surprise to find he and Nick Carter came up with the main idea for the video some years ago for Everybody (Backstreet’s Back), which featured each of the band members as a horror-movie character.

“The Phantom (of the Opera) has always ben my favourite,” McLean says. “If I do more musical theatre, that’s one role I want to do before I die.”

While he won’t be singing any Phantom songs, the current tour has a mix of styles, although it is all Backstreet Boys, he says.

“It’s probably about 60 per cent old stuff, 40 per cent stuff from the new album (Unbreakable). We also do some medleys and remixes of our old stuff, and each of has a solo time.”

Carter and Brian Littrell have both released solo albums, while McLean and Howie Dorough are each working on one.

“I’m finishing my solo album as we speak,” McLean says. “I’m excited about this first record on my own. I’ve probably been working on it for four or five years.”

He describes the sound as “funk-rock soul”. Dorough’s album, he says, has a Latin rock feel to it. Carter’s album was pop-rock, while Littrell released,an album of Christian music. McLean laughs when asked about the wide range of styles.

“That’s the funny part. We’re four very different personalities, but we fit together so well. We’re a family.”

While the Backstreet Boys as a group have a couple of writing credits on Unbreakable, McLean has an unusual shared credit on Treat Me Right. His co-writers are Theron Feemster, also known as Neff-U, and JC Chasez, also known as a member of *Nsync, one of the Boys’ rival bands in the 1990s.

“I’ve known JC for years,” McLean says. “Since *Nsync broke up and decided not to get back together, he’s been doing a lot of writing.”

The two share the same manager for their individual projects, so it wasn’t odd that the suggestion was made for McLean and Chasez to get together.

“JC and Neff-U had a track they were working on when I got there. Two or three hours later, we had a song.

“We did up a demo version, I took it back and played it for the rest of the band, and the guys loved it.”

The Backstreet Boys play the CN Centre on Nov. 16. Tickets at all Ticketmaster locations.


11月16日組合將造訪普林斯喬治,在CN Centre開演唱會。


Kevin在幾年前已經退出組合了,但是登陸新好的官方網站(www.backstreetboys.com),你依然能見到組合中的四位元成員和一雙沒有人穿空空如也的鞋子。這是我們跟歌迷們開的小玩笑,AJ說道,歌迷們都很喜歡這張照片,這也代表著我們對他的思念。 而且那雙空空入也的鞋子也代表了沒有任何人能取代Kevin的位置。





“我的個人專輯已經錄製好了,對於自己的這張個人專輯”,AJ很是興奮,他足足花了五年的時候來製作這張專輯。 AJ將自己的風格定義為“funk-rock soul”,而另一位成員Howie的風格則是拉丁搖滾風,Nick的風格是流行搖滾,而Brian則做了張福音專輯,AJ 笑著談論組合各個成員的風格。“很有意思的是我們四個人性格迥異,但是湊在一起卻很和諧,我們幾個親切的就如同家人一般。”

在錄製新專輯Unbreakable的過程中,幾個人都有參與到其中,像AJ就和Theron Feemster(也就是Neff-U),還有JC Chasez(早期男子組合Nsync的一名成員)一起創作了一首曲風很獨特的Treat Me Right。


"在我加入創作之前,JC 和Neff-U已經錄了一小段了,我到了之後的兩個鐘頭我們就把這首歌給做出來了,先做了個demo,然後我帶回去去給新好其他幾個聽,他們都非常得喜歡TMR這歌。”

十一月十六日新好男孩將會現身CN Centre,購票請登陸Ticketmaster。


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